Writing with an edge and an angle
Four ground nibs sit in my Franklin-Christoph penvelope. Two sharp grinds offer accent blues for slow, methodical writing tasks. Use as directed.
A somber fall-themed color palette
Somber, muted hues dominate my currently inked this week. The palette, as a whole, feels like fall to me. The combination of which brings a smile to my face. And that, I suspect, is the measure of a successful currently inked.
Carrying a little extra in that middle M region
I enter this week with an eclectic six-pen currently inked. Nib size drives my selection. The color, size and weight of each pen were only secondary considerations.
The intention is to explore three distinct kinds of M nibs. A wet and round Jowo M (TWSBI) — the “traditional.” A stingy, disciplined Sailor MF — the “keep it down up there.” And a ground Naginata-togi (Nakaya) — the “Casanova.”
Sheen with purpose and ink mullets
This weekly palette’s sheening inks make for easy scanning while working the room during lectures. Thank you, Sabimidori and Aurora Borealis. Copper Noir lends a complimentary orange for highlighting key points and noting housekeeping items to review with my students. Inks with purpose.