Links to the looking glass self of stationery use, a mnml digest
Five links. Ten sentences or fewer. On how even my most individual writing is built on relationships. Reflection is dialogic. Self-reflection, included. A journey through the looking glass self.

Making space for pace and for thinking, a mnml digest
Five links. Ten sentences or fewer. On pacing. The pace of accumulating new pens or inks or papers. The pace of researching new stationery. And the speed with which I jump across notebooks while thinking through my calendar.

Finding the purposeful center of writing in analog, a mnml digest
Five links. Ten sentences or fewer. On purpose. What is the point of what I work on, of how I work on it, and of the tools I choose to work on it with?

The stumbles are the journey, a mnml digest
Five links. Ten sentences or fewer. On how often unintentional mistakes lead to serendipitous discoveries. Accepting that as much joy comes from what I stumble into as what I plan my way into.